Social and Psychological Features of the Personality`s Professional Mobility in the Conditions of a Crisis


  • Lyubomyra Piletska доктор психологічних наук, професор кафедри соціальної психології ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ.


professional mobility, professionalization, professional crisis


The process of personality’s professionalization happens inseparably from his vital life in which the stable and crisis periods alternate. The main feature of the personality’s vital world is that "world in itself" and "the world around you" personality transforms into "the world for him". Mobility is a key concept most of which precisely reflects the features of modern development of the personality and society. The research of the professional mobility as a psychological phenomenon which has certain determinants of forming and dynamics allows to focus attention on a personal component of this problem and to make more successful search of ways of the professional and personal adaptation of the subject in the changing environment of "the clashing realities" (E. O. Klimov). At the present stage the professional mobility becomes the characteristic which is necessary for successful adaptation of the personality in society.

The crisis phenomena are the integral attribute of the specialist’s dynamic development. At different stages of the professionalization the personality repeatedly appears in the crisis situations demanding a new trajectory professional and life way. And, of course, a positive psychological new growth of the crisis period is the accumulated new experience, reconsideration of a situation, desire to professional mobility in the new direction. The way out of the crisis is rather individual as it substantially depends on the features of the previous period, on personality’s personal professional experience and is closely connected with circumstances of life in general.



