Brexit: the new reality of the United Kingdom


  • Iryna Yurchuk


Brexit, European Union, global crisis, national interests, sovereign state, Eurobureaucracy, concept of two speeds.


The article is devoted to the problem of Brexit, which was previously perceived as an internal affair of Britain. Now Brexit has become a symbol of deep shock for the whole of Europe. Some observers see this as the dismantling of a common European home; others see it as a signal for faster and closer integration in line with the idea of a variable-speed Europe. The most important issue is not the number of "speeds", but the general mood of people who do not see their future. They do not believe in this and they are ready to return to the past. Until the EU is in contact with citizens, the rules and results of Brussels' work
remain closed, national parliaments are not involved in decision-making, and it is very difficult to predict an improvement in the political climate in the European Union.

