The history and origins of separatism in Catalonia


  • Nataliia Stetsiuk
  • Mariana Sheketa


Key words: ethno-political conflict, separatism, nationalism, disintegration, self- determination, autonomy.


The article studies the causes of the emergence and development of separatist sentiment in Catalonia. On the basis of scientific analysis of historical and legal material, the genesis and evolution of Catalan separatism were objectively considered, the main shortcomings and contradictions on the way to resolving ethnic conflict in the region were highlighted.
There aren't almost any mono-ethnic states in the world today, it is quite fair to say that the multiethnic composition of any country's population is a potential threat to its national security, requiring a well-considered and far-sighted national ethno-national policy. Spain is a bright example of the interaction and confrontation of two trends of state and ethnic nationalism. The power of ethnic nationalism and separatism is easily understood not only by cultural and historical factors, but also by the high level of economic development of the Spanish regions. The economically favorable area of Catalonia is increasingly fueling the issue of independence from the Kingdom of Spain. The referendum on Catalonia's independence and further events in the region indicate that the issue of nationalism and separatism poses a serious urgency not only on the territory of the Kingdom of Spain, but also poses a serious threat to all European security. The complexity of resolving the interethnic conflict is the lack of unity within the Basque nationalist movement. Despite the existing factors holding back separatist sentiment in Spain, such as: modern pan-European integration processes and the significant erosion of Basque cultural and ethnic foundations in connection with waves of immigration from other Spanish regions, yet nationalism is dominant in Catalonia. The resolution of ethno-political
conflicts in the Kingdom of Spain depends on the consolidation of all political forces and the aspirations of the local population. Spain's foreign policy is quite multi-vector and is developing in different directions. In the 21st century, Spain has positioned itself as a country that actively strives for cooperation in all areas and declares its readiness to fight for the European values and human rights that have become the basis of its international policies.



