
  • Аlla Kovtun ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника»



inclusive education, individual approach, individual educational program, interaction, psycho¬logist, teacher, student, higher mental functions, study load, assessment, evaluation



The article attempts to theoretically analyze the problem of an individual approach to pupils and its effectiveness in the process of inclusive education. The features of an individual educational program, which is the result of teamwork of specialists, are analyzed. This document is important for planning and evaluation educational services. The article considers the effectiveness of cooperation between a teacher and a psychologist on the example of domestic and foreign scientific schools, experience in correctional classes and general education classes with the inclusion of problem children. After all the interaction of a psychologist with a teacher allows the teacher to understand more deeply features of joint activity of the teacher and the pupil and an undisputed need of having the teacher’s help and using a flexible approach to the characteristics of all pupils.  The work draws attention to the implementation of theoretical and practical basics of diagnostics of the state of the higher mental functions of children. It allows the teacher and the psychologist together to solve the problem of selection of techniques and methods, gradation of difficulties of the tasks, visual and verbal material, and also the method of its submission which enhances the child’s capabilities. The importance of developing a common classroom strategy is emphasized. Increasing the interest and motivation of a child to the classroom by using stories and games as teaching methods. Implementation of the principle of interdisciplinary relations in all classes. Taking into account the individual characteristics of children during the evaluation allows you to emphasize any successes of each child even the most insignificant ones. The analysis of the sources gives grounds to form a vision and advantages of inclusive education, as well as planning joint actions in the adaptation of inclusive education in the Ukrainian school






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