Light sources based on CdTe/CdS/ZnS heterostructures
CdTe/CdS/ZnS heterostructure, isovalent substitution, light sources, high quantum intensityAbstract
The optimal modes of isovalent substitution and the CdTe/CdS/ZnS heterostructure obtained for the first time were established, the main parameters of the band structure of the constituent heterolayers and the characteristics of the obtained radiation sources were determined. The high quantum efficiency η ≈ 12-14 % of surface ZnS is caused by isovalent impurities. The band structure parameters of the obtained isovalently substituted CdS layers of atypical cubic modification and their luminescence efficiency of η ≈ 7-8 % were established. The emission of the resulting layers is localized in the edge region of the material and is formed by interband emitting transitions and the dominant annihilation of bound excitons.
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Copyright (c) 2024 M.M. Slyotov, O.M. Slyotov, O.V. Кinzerska, T.M. Мazur, I.V. Horichok, M.P. Mazur

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