Author Guidelines
The registration of all submissions will take place only automatically through the electronic registration system:
Due to the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, the review process has become much longer. Many reviewers are currently defending our country from the occupiers. This causes inconvenience to many authors. But Ukraine will win and the PCSS Journal will work at full capacity again and will have a higher impact!
Accordingly, the Journal “Physics and Chemistry of Solid State” temporarily does not accept manuscripts from Russian-affiliated authors, as research results in physics or chemistry can often have a dual purpose and be used for defense purposes (for russia it should be understood as "promoting international terrorism").
These restrictions are temporary and will be lifted immediately after the surrender of the Russian Federation, the liberation of all occupied territories, the full payment of all repatriations and the unconditional creation of a demilitarized zone on territory of RF.
We always try to make science open to all and strive to develop constructive cooperation!
Since 2017, the journal "Physics and Chemistry of Solid State" published simultaneously in both versions:
1) Ukrainian submission with English abstract (ISSN 1729-4428 (Print), ISSN 2309-8589 (Online);
2) English submission (translated Ukrainian version) with Ukrainian abstract (ISSN 2309-8589 (Online);
(The both versions will be in open access on the journal’s web-site).
The editorial board, accordingly, requests to submit papers in Ukrainian and a copy in English.
For foreign authors, the Ukrainian version of submission is no necessary
The editorial board aims to present as much as possible your original scientific results among the world scientific community through their dissemination in leading international science and technology databases.
- Scientific direction (physical & mathematical, chemical, or technical) under paper submission.
- PACS or Universal Decimal Classification code.
- Initials, Last name and E-mail for each co-author (Please, note, any email address containing ".ru" does not work in Ukraine. In this case, the editorial board will not be able to process submissions and contact the authors).
- The title of the paper should be concise and reflect the essence of paper and marked in bold (16 pt); the title should not contain cuttings (even accepted).
- Affiliation (Affiliation institution, full address).
- The abstract includes up to 200 words.
- Keywords. The number of Keywords should not exceed ten units. It is possible to use terms consisting of two or three inseparable words.
- List of two possibility reviewers with their E-mail and organization.
Main text of submission from new page
- Text. The sequence of presentation in the paper is the following: the introduction, main text (with the possible breakdown into sections and subsections), conclusion.
No special formatting is required. We recommend using a font Times New Roman (font size 12) with 1.5-spaced (margin: top, bottom, left and right - 2 cm). Chapters headings recommend a bold. The text must be written in one column. All units must be in the International System of Units (SI).
The full text of paper, including pictures, tables, should not exceed 8 pages; and for review paper 25 pages. Acceptable text format is MS Word (*.docx).
Equations should be written using MS Equation Editor (not use Mathtype!). Notations should be defined for the variables when appearing for the first time in the text
Tables should be submitted on separate pages in the format of appropriate table processors. Using pseudo graphic characters is not allowed.
Figures must save as TIFF or JPG.
TIFF (or JPG): Color or grayscale photographs (halftones): always use a minimum of 300 dpi. TIFF (or JPG): Bitmapped line drawings: use a minimum of 1000 dpi. TIFF (or JPG): Combinations bitmapped line/halftone (color or grayscale): a minimum of 500 dpi is required.
- Information about authors: Position, scientific title and institutional E-mail for each co-author.
- Reference:numbered in order of their appearance in the text. Reference must be written in English.
Next formatting for reference is available:
Book: Author(s) (initials, then last names), Book title. (Publishers, city and year of publishing at the brackets).
[1]. B.K. Ridley, Quantum Processes in Semiconductors (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1999).
Paper in the journal: Author(s) (initials, then last names), Full title of reference, Journal title (use abbreviated names only for well-known journals), volume(and issue numbers at the brackets), page number (year of publishing at the brackets); DOI number.
[2]. Yu. O. Seti, I. V. Boyko, M. V. Pan’kiv, Theory of Dynamic Conductivity of Three-Barrier Resonance-Tullel Structure with Two-Photon Laser Transitions, Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 16(1), 7 (2015);
Conference Proceeding: Author(s) (initials, then last names), Conference Title (publisher name, city, year), number of page (active link on DOI number).
[3]. L. Stanko, XIV International Conference on Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanostructures (Vyshсha shkola, Lviv, 2013), p. 120.
- English / Ukrainian (not for foreign authors) abstract. At the end of the paper the initials and name (s) of the author (s) with title, institution, and annotation with keywords in English (for articles submitted in English - these data in Ukrainian) should be given.
All submissions will take place only automatically through the electronic registration system:
Contact address: