Energy structure of mixed halide CeF2Cl and CeFCl2 crystals
scintillator, band structure, density of states, exciton, projector augmented-wave method.Abstract
The band energy structures of CeF2Cl and CeFCl2 crystals have been calculated using the projector augmented-wave (PAW) method and the hybrid exchange-correlation functional PBE0. The valence band top consists of 2p states of F and 3p states of Cl. An energy gap is observed between the 5d states of Ce in the bottom part of the conduction band of both crystals, forming two subbands, 5d1 and 5d2, with very different effective electron masses (2.49 m0 and 0.19 m0 for CeF2Cl and 5.95 m0 and 0.84 m0 for CeFCl2, respectively). The 4f states of Ce are placed within the forbidden band. The obtained values for the band gap of CeF2Cl and CeFCl2 crystals are 6 eV and 4.6 eV, respectively.
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Data retrieved from the Materials Project for CeF3 (mp-510560) from database version v2022.10.28.
Data retrieved from the Materials Project for CeCl3 (mp-582011) from database version v2022.10.28.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ya.M. Chornodolskyy, V.O. Karnaushenko, S.O. Ihnatsevych, A.S. Voloshinovskii, S.V. Syrotyuk, P.I. Vankevych, P.A. Bolkot, A.Y. Derevjanchuk

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