Hardware and software for automated examination of defects of hard tissues of teeth after endodontic intervention for fatigue and destruction
loading machine, automation, tooth restoration, fiberglass pin, cast metal stump tabAbstract
The work developed circuit engineering, design and software of the loading machine for automated examination of dental hard tissue defects after endodontics intervention for fatigue and destruction. The advantage of this development is the combination as cyclic loading methods simulating chewing movements and force effects on compression in a compact small-sized case, with low power consumption and small noise level. Thanks to the use of a screw transmission and a stepper motor in combination with a sensitive tensoresistive force sensor, it was possible to achieve high accuracy and resolution of 0.1 microns.
A series of tests was conducted on real samples of endodontically treated teeth restored using fiberglass pins and cast metal stump inserts. It is shown that methods of restoring incisors and premolars of the upper jaw with the help of fiberglass pins have an advantage when the residual structure of the tooth is lacking due to a more uniform distribution of deformation stresses, since their elastic modulus is close to the elastic modulus of dentin.
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Copyright (c) 2024 B.S. Dzundza, Y.S. Yavorsky, V.V. Fedoriuk, M.M. Rozhko, U.M. Pysklynets, O.I. Bulbuk

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