Solid – phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of the Sb-Te-S system
antimony sulfide, antimony telluride, Sb2Te2S, tetradymite, EMF measurements, thermodynamic propertiesAbstract
The powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) analysis and the electromotive force (emf) measurements have been used to investigate the Sb–Te–S system in the Sb2S3-Sb2Te3-Te-S composition region at 300–450 K temperatures interval. Relative partial molar functions of antimony in alloys have been calculated and obtained data have been used to get self-consistent sets of the standard Gibbs free energy, standard enthalpy, and standard entropy of the Sb2S3 and Sb2Te2S compounds, as well as the Sb2Te2,4S0,6 and Sb2Te2,7S0,3 solid solutions. The data obtained for Sb2S3 have been compared to the ones available in the literature. Thermodynamic functions of the Sb2Te2S compound, as well as, the Sb2Te2,4S0,6 and Sb2Te2,7S0,3 solid solutions have been determined for the first time.
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Copyright (c) 2024 F.R. Aliyev, E.N. Orujlu, L.F. Mashadiyeva, G.B. Dashdiyeva, D.M. Babanly

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