
  • Stefaniia Yavorska doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Borys Grinchenko University



connected speech, pre-school education, communication, speech and communication competence, language norms, attention, observation


The article presents the content of the work on the development of connected language of children in pre-school education, defines the purpose of learning in the context of the modern paradigm of language education. The views on language and speech, on the development of speech are systematized and generalized. Theoretical aspects and methodological tips on the formation of speech and creative activity of pre-school children are covered.

The task of developing a coherent expression of thoughts in the context of the overall development of an educated personality and the structural components of its contents have been clarified. It is emphasized that when working speech activities there is a close connection between the language and mental development of the child; specifics of development skills and ability to express their thoughts are presented, ways of forming communicative abilities are presented, according to competent communication it develops specific conditions, forms, methods and methods of training.

The technologies of storytelling, the requirements for the development of grammatical correctness of speech, the development of speech and the method of teaching the native language are considered, taking into account the competent approach to learning. The types of the story, its place and significance in the educational process, preparation features. It is confirmed that the most effective sources of artistic reading and story are recognized as the best examples of Ukrainian oral folk art, works for children of Ukrainian writers. It is substantiated that the ultimate goal of the pre-school institution is to improve the language in accordance with grammatical norms and develop the ability to write a short story, education attention, observation.

The content of the article contributes to the refinement, enrichment of theoretical and practical knowledge of the teacher about the methods and forms of work on the development of connected speech.





Scientific articles