Information For Authors


Examples of bibliographic design in accordance with DSTU 8302: 2015 REFERENCES

In accordance with the international standard for the list of international styles of design of APA publications (American Psychological
Association (APA) Style)

Examples Monochrome editions
Author, (Year of publication). The title of the book is transliterated [The title of the book is translated into English]. City (in full): Publishing house (in English), pages [in Ukrainian, in English, in Russian, etc.)].
One author Kutsiy I. Ukrainian scientific and historical thought of Galicia (1830–1894): reception of national history. Ternopil: Jura, 2006. 220 p. Kutsyi, I. (2006). Ukrainska naukovo-istorychna dumka Halychyny (1830–1894 rr.): Retseptsiia natsionalnoi istorii. [Ukrainian Scientific and Historical Thought of Galicia (1830-1894): Reception of National History]. Ternopil: Dzhura, 220 p. [in Ukrainian].

Two authors   Reyent O., Serdyuk O. The First World War and Ukraine. Kyiv: Genesis, 2004. 480 p.

                           Reient, O., & Serdiuk, O. (2004). Persha suites and Ukraine. [World War I and Ukraine]. Kyiv: Heneza, 480 p. [in Ukrainian].

Three or four authors

              Komarov VV, Svitlychna GO, Udaltsova IV Separate proceedings: monograph / ed. VV Komarov. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2011. 312 p.

              Komarov, VV, Svitlychna, H. O., & Udal’tsova, IV (2011). Okreme provadzhennia: monohrafiia (VV Komarov Ed.). [Separate proceedings: monograph. (V. Komarov Ed.)]. Kharkiv: Pravo, 312 p. [in Ukrainian].

Five or more authors

History of Ukraine in persons: XIX century / VS Shandra and others. Kyiv: Ukraine, 2015. 367 p.

Shandra, V. S., Anan’ieva, T. B., Bilen’kyj, S. H., Hlyz ’, I. I., Donik, O. M. (2015). Istoriia Ukrainy v osobakh XIX stolittia. [History of Ukraine in Persons: Nineteenth Century]. Kyiv: Ukraine, 367 p. [in Ukrainian].

IMPORTANT: If more than six authors, the seventh and subsequent authors denote et al.

Author (s) Editor (s) Compiler (s)

Groshevy Yu. M. Selected works / edited by: OV Kaplina, VI Maryniv. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2011. 656 p.

Hroshevyj, Yu. M. (2011). Selected pratsi. (O. V. Kaplina, V. I. Maryniv Comps.). [Selected works, compiler O. Kaplina, V. Maryniv]. Kharkiv: Right. 656 p. [in Ukrainian].

Author (s) translator (s)

Zubrytsky D. Chronicle of the Stauropean Brotherhood / trans. I. Svarnyk., Comment. V. Alexandrovich, V. Kmetya. Lviv, 2011. 389 p.

Zubryts’kyj, D. (2011). Khronika Stavropihijs'koho bratstva. (I. Svarynk, Trans.). [Chronicle of the Stavropigian Brotherhood (translated by I. Swarnik)].

L’viv, 389 p. [in Ukrainian].

Without the author

Political science encyclopedic dictionary / order. VP Gorbatenko. 2nd ed., Reworked. and add. Kyiv: Genesis, 2004. 736 p.

Horbatenko, VP (Comp.). (2004). Politolohichnyj slovnyk (2nd rev. Ed.). [Political Science Encyclopedic Dictionary]. Kyiv: Genesis. 736 p.


Abstracts of dissertations, dissertation

Pavliv Y. Deportations of Ukrainians from the Polish-Ukrainian border in 1944–1951 in regional memory: author's ref. dis. ... cand. ist. Science: 07.00.01. / NAS of Ukraine, Inst. Of Ukrainian Studies named after I. Krypyakevych, Inst. Of Ethnology. Lviv, 2018. 20 p.

Pavliv, Yu. Z. (2018) Deportatsii ukraintsiv z pol’s’ko-ukrains’koho prykordonnia 1944–1951 rr. in regional memory. [Deportations of the Ukrainians from the Polish-Ukrainian borderland of 1944–1951 in the regional memory of Ukraine]. (Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis). L’viv. [in Ukrainian].


Sokurenko VV Public administration in the field of defense in Ukraine: dis. ... Dr. Jurid. Science: 12.00.07 / Nat. acad. internal affairs. Kyiv, 2016. 573 p.

Sokurenko, VV (2016). Public Administration of the Defense Sphere in Ukraine (Doctor’s thesis). Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].

Archival documents

Central State Archive of the highest authorities and administration of Ukraine (hereinafter - the Central State Archive of Ukraine). F. 3982 State Secretariat of Internal Affairs of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic. Op. 1. Ref. 1 Excerpts from the "Bulletin of State Laws" and orders of the Sanitary Department of the Secretariat of Internal Affairs on the fight against communicable diseases. 1919 21 sheets.

Central State Archives of Higher Authorities and Administration of Ukraine. F. 3982 ZUNR State Secretariat of the Interior. Descr. 1. Case. 1 (Excerpts from the Bulletin of State Laws and the Order of the Sanitary Department of the Secretariat of the Interior on the Control of Infectious Diseases). 1919 21 s.


Article from the reference edition

Riyaka VO Customs declaration. Legal encyclopedia. Kyiv: Ukr. Encyclical., 1998. T. 2. S. 29.

Riiaka, V. O. (1998). Deklaratsiia mytna In Yurydychna entsyklopediia [Customs declaration. Legal Encyclopedia. Kiev: Ukrainian Encyclopedia]. (Vol. 2, p. 29).

[in Ukrainian].

Article in a scientific collection, journal

Corporal M. Ukrainian community on Ruska Street in Lviv in 1550–1585. Bulletin of Lviv University. The series is historical. Lviv, 2002. Issue. 37, No. 1. C. 148–149. DOI:

Kapral ’, M. (2000). Ukrains’ka hromada na vulytsi Rus’kij L’vova v 1550–1585 rokakh [The Ukrainian community on Rus’ka street in Lviv, 1550–1585]. Visnyk L'vivs'koho universytetu. Historical series - Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series History, 37 (1), 148–149. [in Ukrainian].

doi: [in Ukrainian].

In a scientific article, if the DOI index is specified, it must be indicated before [in Ukrainian], etc.

Article from a periodical (magazine, newspaper)

Get ready. Ukrainian word. 1938. № 3. 15 September. S. 4

Korolko A. The coryphaeus of Ukrainian classical music Mykola Lysenko was in Zabolotov. Voice of Penance. 2013. 12 July. S. 9

Hotovs ’. Ukrainske Slovo (1938). (September 15). [Get ready. Ukrainian Word]. [in Ukrainian]

Korolko, A. (2013, Lypen 12). Koryfei ukrainskoi klasychnoi muzyky Mykola Lysenko perebuvav u Zabolotovi. [The luminary of Ukrainian classical music Mykola Lysenko was in Zabolotov] Holos Pokuttia, s. 9. [in Ukrainian].


Bykov O. Urgency of the optimal international legal settlement of global bioethical problems of the present. Chamber. 2016. № 1/2. Pp. 20–21. Rec. on the book: Tretyakova VG International legal regulation of global bioethical problems: a monograph. Kyiv: Condor, 2013. 407 p.

Bykov, O. (2016). Nahal’nist ’optymal’noho mizhnarodno-pravovoho vrehuliuvannia hlobal’nykh bioetychnykh problem suchasnosti [Review of the book: Mizhnarodno-pravove rehuliuvannia hlobal’nykh bioetychnykh problem: monohrafiia by V. H. Tretiakov]. Viche, (1/2), 20–21. [in Ukrainian].


In a scientific article, if the DOI index is specified, it must be indicated

Karnaukh BP Interpretation of the contract: a short essay from supranational and transnational points of view. Problems of legality. 2016. Vip. 135. S. 39–51. DOI:

Karnaukh, B. P. (2016). Tlumachennia dohovoru: korotkyj narys iz nadnatsional'noi i transnatsional'noi tochok zoru. Problems of Legality, 135, 39–51. doi: [in Ukrainian].