MATERIALS OF THE CRIMINAL CASE OF THE BISHOP OF THE UNDERGROUND UKRAINIAN GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH GRIGORY BALAGURAK (Part 1)..........................................................................................





In the article the authors reveal the materials of the criminal case of the bishop of the underground Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Hryhoriy Balagurak, which were instituted against him by the Soviet special services in 1949. Today this case (№ 7498 P) is stored in the State Archives of Ivano-Frankivsk region . The aim of the article is to cover only an excerpt from the criminal case against Bishop H. Balagurak, which depicts the protocol of the interrogation of the priest. The authors of these lines when translating from Russian into Ukrainian tried to preserve the authenticity of the document.

The article also preserves the authenticity of the language of the investigation, focusing on the most eloquent materials of the interrogation of the priest. Soviet special services tried to find out information about the underground fathers of the UGCC who remained at large, to find out their names and places of residence. Of particular interest is the questionnaire of Bishop Hryhoriy Balagurak, also published in the criminal case. It contains valuable informative information about the place of birth, address, nationality, citizenship, education, profession and specialty, family composition, social origin of the detainee.

Keywords: Materials of the criminal case, bishop, Hryhoriy Balagurak, Underground Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Soviet special bodies.

