


health-enhancing recreational physical activity, physical condition, strength fitness, group programs, women, early adulthood, body composition


The objective of the study was to evaluate body composition in women in early adulthood engaged in group strength fitness programs.

Materials and methods. The body composition was assessed using bioelectrical impedance analysis with an ACCUNIQ body composition analyzer. The following indicators were measured: body weight, body mass index, muscle mass, fat percentage, visceral fat, liquid, segmental analysis of body composition. The survey was conducted using the standard questionnaire of the APOLLO NEXT fitness centers network and included questions about demographic data of the respondents (age, gender), priorities in choosing a fitness program, and frequency of exercise. The research involved 459 women aged 21 to 35 who participated in group training classes in the APOLLO NEXT fitness centers network (Kyiv), whose average age was 26.7 ± 4.77 years.

Results. Statistics of the APOLLO NEXT fitness centers network (Kyiv) for 2019-2023 showed that 54% of clients prefer the strength group training. The average indicators of the body mass index slightly exceed the recommended norms (25.48 ± 4.95 kgm∙m2), however, a significant number of the women were classified as overweight (32.0%) or obese (17.4%). A decrease in the percentage of muscle mass and an increase in body fat leads to a slowdown in the basal metabolic rate and impairment of metabolic processes, which creates a potential risk for the development of metabolic syndrome and concomitant diseases. An inadequate ratio of fat to muscle mass was observed, which requires individualization of training programs.

Conclusions. Overweight and obesity were found in a significant number of the studied women (49.4%). The main reason for the unhealthy fat to muscle ratio is the limitation of special organized physical activity, which requires the justification and development of a program of strength fitness classes for women in early adulthood with a low level of physical activity.


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2024-11-17 — Updated on 2024-11-17