Computer programs as a means of monitoring the physical condition of schoolchildren


  • Nataliia Sorokolit Lviv State University of Physical Culture I. Bobersky
  • Olha Rymar Lviv State University of Physical Culture I. Bobersky
  • Denys Kudriavets Львівський державний університет фізичної культури імені Івана Боберського, учитель фізичної культури спеціалізованої школи І-ІІІ ступенів № 61 з поглибленим вивченням інформаційних технологій Шевченківського району міста Києва; методист відділу розвитку особистості Донецького обласного інституту післядипломної педагогічної освіти



моніторинг, школярі, фізичний стан, фізична підготовленість.


The article addresses issues related to monitoring the physical condition of schoolchildren in modern conditions. The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for monitoring the physical condition of schoolchildren using computer programs. Materials and methods: analysis and synthesis of literature sources. Results obtained. The methodology we developed includes two computer programs: "Monitoring of Physical Development and Health Status of the Student" and "Best Athlete of the Educational Institution." The computer program "Monitoring of Physical Development and Health Status of the Student" consists of two modules: Module I – "Level of Morphofunctional State and Physical Fitness of the Student," Module II – "Health Diary." The "Level of Morphofunctional State and Physical Fitness of the Student" module employs methods to determine the level of physical health, physical development, morphofunctional state, muscular system, functional state of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system condition, and the psychomotor level of coordination function of the neuromuscular system and the student's physical fitness. The "Health Diary" module provides instructions for maintaining it throughout the academic year. This diary includes the following components: theoretical knowledge, daily routine, physical activity, sports participation, and nutrition. The second computer program, "Best Athlete of the Educational Institution," helps stimulate students' interest in physical exercises. Conclusions. Continuous monitoring of the physical condition and physical fitness of schoolchildren using the two computer programs for each student (grades 1-11) will democratize and humanize the pedagogical process as a whole. Sequentially solving cognitive tasks will expand and deepen students' knowledge of physical culture and sports, contributing to the education of knowledgeable individuals and their readiness to lead a healthy lifestyle independently. Additionally, it will help track the effectiveness of students' physical activities. Identifying possible deviations in students' physical development will aid in correcting individual work. Effective planning of personal development will foster motivation and the need for creative interaction with teachers and peers, systematic physical exercise, individually developed by educators based on the results of computer monitoring programs. This is where we see the prospects of our further research.


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2024-08-26 — Updated on 2024-11-19