Factors of influence on education of spiritual and religious values of student’s youth


  • Olesіa Guzynets




spiritual and religious education, spiritual and religious values, sociological approach, phenomenological approach, environmental approach, axiological approach


It is substantiated that spiritual and religious education is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The views of scholars on understanding spiritual and religious values are outlined. The purpose of the article is to analyze the essence of spiritual and religious education and the factors influencing the formation of spiritual and religious values of young people. It is shown that universal moral truths were developed and enriched by religion. The essence of spiritual-religious upbringing is analyzed as the process of becoming a system of spiritual values of the individual, which leads to the inclusion of its internal mechanisms of self-development. It is revealed that this phenomenon requires different approaches to study it. Sociological, psychological, phenomenological, environmental, axiological approaches to spiritual and religious education are considered. The analysis of factors influencing the spiritual and religious education of young people, carried out by the positions of different scientific approaches, gives an understanding of its essence and content, as well as the study of the spiritual and religious values of young people in the sphere of their interaction with society. Which gives an opportunity to consider spiritual and religious education in all its manifestations and peculiarities and to better understand the content of this phenomenon. The nature and level of spiritual and religious upbringing may vary to a certain extent, depending on certain social conditions, various factors and factors. The factors influencing the formation of spiritual and religious values of young people are divided into objective and subjective. Objective factors include: cultural and scientific and technological development of society, traditions and historical memory of the people, ideals and life orientations of individual groups. Considering the subjective factors, we distinguish the level of education, the presence of an internal need for the development and management of values in their own lives, the coincidence of humanistic values with the basic life orientations of the individual and others.



