Preparation of future teachers for role-playing activities of preschoolers in measurements of pedagogical profession: a structural approach


  • Nataliia Zakharasevych



action, activity, preschool education, components, methods of motivation of future teachers


The article is devoted to the significance of the components of the training of future educators for role-based activities. The definition of "role activity of preschool age children" is defined and peculiarities of its development during preschool childhood are singled out. The peculiarities of pedagogical leadership in the role play of preschoolers are analyzed. Also, methods are developed for the development of the motivation of future teachers for role-playing activities of preschool children and for the pedagogical profession as a whole; the use of interactive technologies, focused on the practical training of future professionals. The article describes an original approach to the classification of methods and techniques for motivating and stimulating students’ educational activity by M.Artyushina, which outlined five groups of such methods and the main factors for forming the motivational and target component of the readiness of future educators for role-playing activities of preschoolers identified by us.
In order to develop the motivation of future teachers for role-playing activities of preschoolers and the pedagogical profession, it is generally necessary to be guided by a certain methodological toolkit, namely: the use of methods for organizing the student’s educational activities and the corresponding content of training. Methods of training are realized in specific methods, means and forms of training. Actual problems to solve the problem are the use of interactive forms and methods of teaching, modern pedagogical and information and communication technologies. However, some teaching methods are directed directly to the development of the motivational sphere of future educators.
The optimum basis for distinguishing organizational and pedagogical conditions for the training of future educators in higher educational institutions of Ukraine is based on the components of readiness of students for role-playing activities of preschool children, taking into account the specifics of the problem under study, which are described in the paper.



