Literature for Children and Youth of Independent Ukraine (1991–2023): Sociocultural Aspect




literature for children and youth, book publishing in Ukraine 1991–2023, scientific research of literature for children and youth in Ukraine, promotion of books for children and youth and reading in Ukraine, sociocultural analysis


The article analyzes a complex of sociocultural factors that influenced the formation of the phenomenon of literature for children and youth in Ukraine during 1991–2023. Its condition at different time intervals within this period is described and the version of the periodization of children's literature in Ukraine at the time of Independence is proposed.

The study is based on the analysis of the funds and data of the website of the National Library of Ukraine for Children, on the accounting statistics of book publications of the Book Chamber of Ukraine and information from professional sites “BaraBooka: Space of Ukrainian children’s books”, “Bukvoyid”, “Chitomo: Cultural and publishing project”. The facts testifying to the main changes in the field of book publishing, book distribution and promotion of reading are summarized, in the state educational and the cultural policy regarding children’s reading, reviewing, criticism and scientific research of children’s literature in Ukraine 1991–2023.

The author managed to identify the following stages in the formation of literature for children and youth of the Independence era: 1) Delamination (1991–2000); 2) Identification (2000–2013); 3) Development (2014 – present), divided into intervals: а) early 2014 – 12.03.2020; b) 12.03.2020–24.02.2022; c) 24.02.2022 – till present.

It was determined that the literature for children and youth of the Independence era (1991–2023) was forced to solve relevant tasks and at the same time “re-read” all previous experience, to form a literary canon missing due to long statelessness and to integrate and interpret as a coherent continuous phenomenon different temporal and spatial segments of domestic children's literature. For the first time in the history of Ukrainian children’s literature, a full-fledged, long-lasting and extensive scientific discourse appeared, flexible system of state, public and private support and promotion of children’s and family reading, a generation of authors was formed who identify themselves exclusively as children's writers and work professionally in this field.

The author considers the creation of a repository of scientific publications, the formation of a single thematic base of bibliographic information, as well as the formation of a single list of children’s writers and a canon of children’s literature texts to be the primary task for researchers. The main socio-cultural challenges facing children’s literature in Ukraine today in general have been recognized. This is the unpredictability caused by the war, the lack of professional personnel and readers, sharp increase in competition and challenges related to the realization of Ukrainians as a titular nation and accelerated processes of self-identification.


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How to Cite

Marchenko, N. (2024). Literature for Children and Youth of Independent Ukraine (1991–2023): Sociocultural Aspect. Children’s Literature: Interdisciplinary Discourse, 1(1), 13–36.