The adventures of the hero of «Dolchevita» by Roman Malynovsky in space of heterotopia


  • Valentyna Musii Department of General and Slavic Literary Studies, Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University



anthropology of literature, heterotopy,, artistic space, subjective plan of the work, story, R. Malynovsky


The aim of the article is to study the story of the modern Ukrainian writer Roman Malynovsky in the anthropological aspect. Scientific novelty of research of the article is that the story «Dolchevita» is first included in the literary context both in general and in a given theoretical key. Attention is concentrated on the signs of crisis-type heterotopy in the picture of the hero’s stay on the plane (abroad of a specific and familiar geographical space for him). At the same time, attention is drawn to the typological features of heterotopy by comparing it with the image of space in the mythopoietic and scientific models of the world. The heterotopicity of space in R. Malynovsky's story is evidenced, first of all, by the fact that this space is «strange» for the hero, and also that he temporarily also turns into «strange» person: he forgets about his attachments, simulates an absolutely virtual (movie-like) story of his relationship with an unfamiliar woman. The image of this woman herself is also as devoid of specificity as possible (it is not known what her voice, name, feelings, purpose of the trip, etc. are), so she can be designated as «whoever» («whatever»). The practical significance of the article is that it complements the picture of the development of modern Ukrainian prose, suggests one of the ways to study the subjective plan of a work of art.





Ukrainian literature