Avant-garde tendencies in Ukrainian and Czech literatures in 1920–1930: historical and typological dimension


  • Danylo Rega Department of World Literature and Comparative Literary Criticism, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


футуризм, поетизм, авангард, історико-типологічний вимір, компаративістика


Aim The article deals with the problem of historical and typological analysis of avant-garde tendencies in Ukrainian and Czech literatures, based on its main movements – futurism and poetism respectively. The article aims to identify common and distinctive historical and typological dimension of Ukrainian and Czech avant-garde.

Methods In the article has been applied the historical and typological method. The applied method made it possible to analyze futurism and poetism and also explore its interaction in time and space.

Results There have been discussed main signs of avant-garde in Ukrainian and Czech literatures – futurism and poetism. The article gives a detailed analysis of typological common features of the origin and evolution of these artistic movements in Ukrainian and Czech cultures.

Scientific novelty Based on the typological level, was made an analysis of historical and typological dimension of futurism and poetism existence as avant-garde tendencies in Ukrainian and Czech cultures. The article aims to provide a basis for further research in this direction.

The practical significance The article may serve for the further investigation of the problem of Ukrainian-Czech literature relations of the first half of the XX century. The results of the research can be used for writing course projects and qualification papers.






Comparative literature