Completely positive maps for imprimitive complex reflection groups

bounded operator, quasimultiplicative map, Fock spaceAbstract
In 1994, M. Bożejko and R. Speicher proved the existence of completely positive quasimultiplicative maps from the group algebra of Coxeter groups to the set of bounded operators. They used some of them to define an inner product associated to creation and annihilation operators on a direct sum of Hilbert space tensor powers called full Fock space. Afterwards, A. Mathas and R. Orellana defined in 2008 a length function on imprimitive complex reflection groups that allowed them to introduce an analogue to the descent algebra of Coxeter groups. In this article, we use the length function defined by A. Mathas and R. Orellana to extend the result of M. Bożejko and R. Speicher to imprimitive complex reflection groups, in other words to prove the existence of completely positive quasimultiplicative maps from the group algebra of imprimitive complex reflection groups to the set of bounded operators. Some of those maps are then used to define a more general inner product associated to creation and annihilation operators on the full Fock space. Recall that in quantum mechanics, the state of a physical system is represented by a vector in a Hilbert space, and the creation and annihilation operators act on a Fock state by respectively adding and removing a particle in the ascribed quantum state.