On inverse submonoids of the monoid of almost monotone injective co-finite partial selfmaps of positive integers

inverse semigroup, isometry, partial bijection, congruence, bicyclic semigroup, semitopological semigroup, topological semigroup, discrete topology, embedding, Bohr compactificationAbstract
In this paper we study submonoids of the monoid $\mathscr{I}_{\infty}^{\,\Rsh\!\!\nearrow}(\mathbb{N})$ of almost monotone injective co-finite partial selfmaps of positive integers $\mathbb{N}$. Let $\mathscr{I}_{\infty}^{\nearrow}(\mathbb{N})$ be a submonoid of $\mathscr{I}_{\infty}^{\,\Rsh\!\!\nearrow}(\mathbb{N})$ which consists of cofinite monotone partial bijections of $\mathbb{N}$ and $\mathscr{C}_{\mathbb{N}}$ be a subsemigroup of $\mathscr{I}_{\infty}^{\,\Rsh\!\!\nearrow}(\mathbb{N})$ which is generated by the partial shift $n\mapsto n+1$ and its inverse partial map. We show that every automorphism of a full inverse subsemigroup of $\mathscr{I}_{\infty}^{\!\nearrow}(\mathbb{N})$ which contains the semigroup $\mathscr{C}_{\mathbb{N}}$ is the identity map. We construct a submonoid $\mathbf{I}\mathbb{N}_{\infty}^{[\underline{1}]}$ of $\mathscr{I}_{\infty}^{\,\Rsh\!\!\nearrow}(\mathbb{N})$ with the following property: if $S$ is an inverse submonoid of $\mathscr{I}_{\infty}^{\,\Rsh\!\!\nearrow}(\mathbb{N})$ such that $S$ contains $\mathbf{I}\mathbb{N}_{\infty}^{[\underline{1}]}$ as a submonoid, then every non-identity congruence $\mathfrak{C}$ on $S$ is a group congruence. We show that if $S$ is an inverse submonoid of $\mathscr{I}_{\infty}^{\,\Rsh\!\!\nearrow}(\mathbb{N})$ such that $S$ contains $\mathscr{C}_{\mathbb{N}}$ as a submonoid then $S$ is simple and the quotient semigroup $S/\mathfrak{C}_{\mathbf{mg}}$, where $\mathfrak{C}_{\mathbf{mg}}$ is the minimum group congruence on $S$, is isomorphic to the additive group of integers. Also, we study topologizations of inverse submonoids of $\mathscr{I}_{\infty}^{\,\Rsh\!\!\nearrow}(\mathbb{N})$ which contain $\mathscr{C}_{\mathbb{N}}$ and embeddings of such semigroups into compact-like topological semigroups.