Truncation-error bounds for the 1-periodic branched continued fraction of special form

1-periodic branched continued fraction of special form, Worpitsky’s criterion, union of parabolic regions
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Truncation-error bounds for the 1-periodic continued fraction of special form are established at the following conditions: if first element of the fraction belongs to complex plain with the cut ($−\infty;−1/4$] and the sum of modules of other elements is limited by a certain number; if elements belong to their respective parabolic regions or union of that parabolic regions and all their modules, except of the first one, are limited.
How to Cite
Bubniak, M. Truncation-Error Bounds for the 1-Periodic Branched Continued Fraction of Special Form. Carpathian Math. Publ. 2013, 5, 187-195.