The concept of the state constitution in political and legal views of Petro Poltava
Petro Poltava, state constitution, Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, national stateAbstract
The Article analyses and studies the problems of state constitution in Ukraine both in historical retrospect and during the national liberation war in the 40-50s of the XX century through the prism of political and legal views of the active participant in this war, patriot, soldier, member of underground movement and theorist of Ukrainian constitution Petro Poltava. Emphasis is placed on the main concept of the formation of the national state in Ukraine, which is the Ukrainian Independent United State in the Ukrainian ethnographic territories. The publication clearly and unequivocally affirms the opinion of Petro Poltava that an independent national state is the only form of political organisation of the people of Ukraine that provides for the best conditions for comprehensive development.
The view of Petro Poltava, who is the practitioner-founder of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council, on the main aspects of the formation and activity of the Ukrainian Parliament in the period 40-50s of the 20th century is summarised. The author of theoretical and legal works Petro Poltava categorically considered the need to destroy the territorial integrity of the USSR and rebuild the USSR in territorial and political terms on the principle of independent national states of all former Soviet peoples while respecting their rights to national self-government.
Therefore, P. Poltava’s views on state constitution in Ukraine remain extremely relevant nowadays.
The logical conclusion of the publication is the opinion of Petro Poltava that the fate of Ukraine will be decided not in the parliament of the invader and not in the offices of diplomats, but on the battlefield in Ukrainian villages and cities, in Ukrainian forests and steppes. The popular Ukrainian masses and indeed an independent state, the Ukrainian people will be able to build only on their own, because with the help of neighboring states, according to Peter Poltava we must pay dearly with territory or independence