On Corporate Rights Remedies
corporate rights, corporate relations, remediesAbstract
The article examines the problem of corporate rights remedies that is a key issue for both corporate rights theory and corporate law application. General corporate rights remedies are specified in the Civil Code of Ukraine and the Commercial Code of Ukraine, and special remedies are settled in the Law “On Companies” of Ukraine and the Law “On Joint-Stock Companies” of Ukraine. Established practice of law application of commercial courts grounds on the inavailability of application of the rights and legal interests remedies that are not provided by the law in force, including the 16 Article of the Civil Code and the 20 Article of the Commercial Code, and that do not result from legislation provisions. Meanwhile, there exists an opinion in corporate law theory that special remedies for the member of a company may be provided by internal documents of the company (local acts or members’ agreements). It is substantiated that the imperative provisions of the corporate legislation have the key value in the legal mechanics of corporate rights protection. The provision that the court protects the right or interest of the member of joint-stock company, limited liability company and superadded liability company in a legally provided mode could become one of the public-law elements of corporate relations regulation. Whereas a company statute or a constituent agreement of a full partnership and limited partnership provides other remedies for the partnership member, they shall be applied strictly in case if they are not in complience with the law.
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